Saturday, September 25, 2010

Director of Human Resources Interview: 9 Quality of One Less

As a world-class brand, Coca-Cola in China has adopted a "joint-venture bottling plant" development strategy, currently in the country a total of 33 bottling plants, more than 20,000 employees.

Meanwhile, Coca-Cola employees in China, the company does "better" there are only 500, as a large
China headquarters in Shanghai, nearly 300 employees.

Turning to corporate culture, Coca-Cola has not only committed to producing high-quality products, while also around the world to meet people on the educational opportunities and economic development aspirations. Staff has always been the heart and soul of Coca-Cola. In the past century, the Coca-Cola employees work and live in pursuit of a common vision and values, and achieved great success. While the world and are constantly changing business environment, but will uphold the idea that business success of Coca-Cola has played a vital role.

Morning News: You just enter the Coca-Cola last year, and on your personal experience, Coca-Cola attractions located? It is the demand for talent is like?

Guo Ming: Coca-Cola Company to actively participate in China's economic development. In the past 20 years, Coca-Cola in China has set up 33 bottling plants and beverage business achieved double-digit growth year after year. Such high growth, and employee in this rapidly changing market has shown adaptability left me a very deep impression. Last year, our company has made in China, nearly 20% on business growth, which for a job is a big attraction.

In addition to the bottling plant outside part of the company, our small number of annual recruitment can be said that the "excellence." At present, our annual proportion of new employees, about 10% of all employees last year, we attracted more than 50 new employees.

Morning News: That this year's recruitment program do? Coca-Cola range of recruitment have?

The number of recruitment this year will be more than last year, the specific number depends on the business needs of each department. Our recruitment has always been for the country, the recruited last year were we come from all over the country to attract talent.

Morning News: Coca-Cola recruitment principle is it?

Guo Ming: In China, we pay more attention to the following areas: 鈼?integrity, honesty, strong achievement motivation 鈼?鈼?鈼?decision-making in the good sense of strategic thinking 鈼?鈼?innovative approach to their work to enhance the value of consumers and customers the ability to adapt to change 鈼?鈼?鈼?sense of responsibility in the recruitment team, we will select the personnel from these areas.

Morning News: So, in the Coca-Cola recruitment, there are graduates of the program for it?

Guo Ming: I am really very clever, for graduates, we have just launched a "strategic talent recruitment program" project, the project's main elements are: Starting in 2005, recruiting a number of fresh graduates.

Morning: can you explain to me? Job number, job and recruitment methods?

鍩硅鑰冩牳涓ょ粨鍚?br />
鏅ㄦ姤锛氬憳宸ュ煿璁拰鑰冩牳鏄汉鍔涜祫婧愮殑閲嶈宸ヤ綔锛屽湪鍙彛鍙箰鐨勬儏鍐靛張鏄?鏍峰憿锛?br />



閫氳繃鍩硅灏辨槸璁╁憳宸ョ‘绔嬫槑纭殑鑱屼笟鐢熸动鐩爣锛岃繘鑰岄?姝ユ帴杩戣嚜宸辩殑濂嬫枟鐩爣銆?br />
鏅ㄦ姤锛氬叕鍙稿湪鍐呴儴绠$悊涓婏紝瓒婃潵瓒婃敞閲嶉?杩囧鍛樺伐鐨勪俊鎭叕寮?拰鍏呭垎浜ゆ祦锛屼互浣垮憳宸ヨ鍚屽叕鍙稿彂灞曟柟鍚戯紝浠庤?褰㈡垚鏇村己鐨勫嚌鑱氬姏锛屾偍濡備綍鐪嬪緟鍏徃鍐呴儴娌熼?鐨勪綔鐢紵鍙彛鍙箰杩欐柟闈㈠張鏄?涔堝仛鐨勶紵鐗瑰埆鏄浣曞皢娌熼?璁″垝铻嶅叆浼佷笟鏁翠綋瑙勫垝锛屾敮鎸佹暣浣撶粍缁囩殑鐩爣锛?br />

瀵硅瘽500寮轰汉鍔涜祫婧愭?鐩?br />

閮槑鍗氬+瀵逛簬鑱屽満鏂颁汉鍜屽勾杞荤殑缁忕悊浜猴紝鏈夌潃寰堜腑鑲殑寤鸿銆傚湪閲囪杩囩▼涓紝閮崥澹嚑娆℃彁鍒板浜庢柊浜虹殑蹇犲憡鍜屽浜庝粬浠瓨鍦ㄩ棶棰樼殑鎯虫硶锛屼簬鏄紝鎴戜滑鐗瑰湴鏁寸悊浜嗛儹鍗氬+鐨勪竴浜涘缓璁紝甯屾湜瀵逛簬鑱屽満鏂颁汉鏈夋墍甯姪銆?br />

姹傝亴鐨勫噯澶囦笌姹傝亴杩囩▼鏄竴涓嚜鎴戜簡瑙c?鑷垜鍙戠幇鐨勮繃绋嬨?瀵硅嚜宸辨湁涓?釜娓呮鐨勮璇嗭紝鏈夋竻鏅扮殑鑷垜鎰忚瘑浠ュ強鏈夊叏闈㈠瑙傜殑鑷垜瑙傚康锛屽姹傝亴寰堥噸瑕併?鎷涜仒鍏徃涓?埇浼氭璧忓鑷繁鏈夊叏闈㈠瑙傝璇嗙殑鐢宠鑰呫?瀵归偅浜涜繛鑷繁鐨勪紭鐐广?缂虹偣鍏ㄦ棤璁よ瘑鐨勭敵璇疯?鍒欎笉浼氭湁淇″績銆?br />

鍦ㄦ眰鑱岃繃绋嬩腑锛屾渶濂戒笉瑕侀殢澶ф祦锛岃浜夊彇瀵绘壘绗﹀悎鑷繁鐗圭偣锛屽彂鎸ヨ嚜宸辩壒闀跨殑鐙壒鐨勬満浼氥?鎴愬姛鐨勯亾璺槸澶氭牱鐨勶紝鎴愬姛鐨勯亾璺粡甯镐篃鏄嫭鐗圭殑銆?br />
鈼嗗敖鏃╃‘瀹氳嚜宸辩殑鑱屼笟鐢熸动鐩爣銆?br />
姹傝亴闅撅紝姹備簨涓氭洿闅俱?濡傛灉浣犲鑷繁瑕佽拷姹傜殑浜嬩笟鏈変竴涓竻妤氱殑璁よ瘑涓庣‘瀹氾紝姹傝亴鐩稿瀹规槗銆傚ぇ閮ㄥ垎璐熻矗鎷涜仒鐨勭鐞嗕汉鍛橀兘鏈夎繖涓粡楠岋細鐜板湪鐨勫勾杞讳汉寰?線鏈変笉閿欑殑瀛︿範鎴愮哗锛屼篃鎺屾彙浜嗕竴浜涙妧鑳斤紝浣嗗緢澶氫汉涓?洿娌℃兂濂戒粬浠埌搴曡骞蹭粈涔堛?娌℃湁鏄庣‘鐨勮亴涓氱敓娑洰鏍囨槸骞磋交浜虹殑閫氱梾銆備竴涓潪甯告竻妤氳嚜宸辩殑鑱屼笟鐢熸动鐩爣锛屽苟寮?涓哄疄鐜拌繖涓洰鏍囬噰鍙栦竴绯诲垪琛屽姩鐨勪汉锛屽線寰?細缁欐嫑鑱樼粡鐞嗕滑鐣欎笅杈冩繁鍒荤殑鍗拌薄銆?br />

寰堝浜轰笉澶啛鎮夆?鑷垜瓒呰秺鈥濈殑瑙傚康鍜屽疄璺点?鈥滆嚜鎴戣秴瓒娾?鏄寚涓?釜浜哄湪鎰忚瘑銆佹?搴︺?鎯呯华銆佽涓哄拰鎬ф牸涓兘寮?瓒呰秺杩囧幓鐨勫浐鏈夋ā寮忥紝閲囧彇涓?鏂扮殑妯″紡鏉ヤ笌鍏朵粬浜哄拰澶栭儴涓栫晫鍙戠敓鑱旂郴銆傛湁鏃惰繖浼氬甫鏉ュ杩囧幓鐨勬剰璇嗐?鎬佸害銆佹儏缁?琛屼负鍜屾?鏍肩壒鐐圭殑涓?鍚﹀畾鍜屾彁楂樸?鍦ㄦ眰鑱岀殑鍑嗗杩囩▼涓紝浣犲紑濮嬬敤澶栭儴涓栫晫鐨勭洰鍏夋潵鐪嬩綘鑷繁锛屼綘鍙兘涓嶄粎鍦ㄧ粡鍘嗏?鑷垜鍙戠幇鈥濓紝鑰屼笖涔熷湪杩涜鈥滆嚜鎴戣秴瓒娾?銆?br />
鈥滆嚜鎴戣秴瓒娾?涓嶄粎浠呮槸鈥滄兂寰楀拰杩囧幓涓嶄竴鏍封?(浠庝笉鍚岀殑瑙掑害鎬濊?闂)锛屼篃涓嶄粎浠呮槸鈥滃仛寰楀拰杩囧幓涓嶄竴鏍封?(閲囧彇涓嶅悓鐨勮涓烘柟寮?锛岃?鏄?杞彉鎴愪竴涓笉鍚岀殑浜衡?(瀹屾垚浠峰?浣撶郴銆佽嚜鎴戣蹇靛拰浜虹敓鎬佸害鐨勮浆鍙橈紝浠ヤ竴绉嶅喘鏂扮殑涓?鍑虹幇鍦ㄥ埆浜洪潰鍓?銆?br />


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